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Top 25 sites on the Internet right now

Top 25 sites on the Internet right now

1 - CodeAcademy: One of the best sites for teaching programming languages ​​(HTML, CSS) and Javascript

2 - Coursera: It has more than 800 free courses in many fields

3 - Digital Photography School: The best site for improving your photography skills and with an always active forum for interacting with photographers who accompany the images presented for feedback and learning

4 - Duolingo: To learn languages ​​and improve your language skills, in addition to this site:

5 - edX: A comprehensive site for explaining scientific topics and displaying information

6 - Factsie: One of the most interesting sites that publish historical and scientific facts and reliable sources from specialized accredited bodies. Once you click on the site, it gives you the information in sources.

7 - Fast Company’s 30-Second MBA: It shows short videos of CEOs of companies that motivate you to work, learn, and tell about their experiences


8 - Freerice: Expand your vocabulary when talking with less than you materially, physically, or concentrated

9 - Gibbon: It displays articles and videos to help you learn programming, graphics, and iOS

10 - Instructables: An art site that offers articles and videos about teaching talents and skills such as cooking, drawing, decorating, arranging your home, fixing things, work plans, making a garden, etc.

11 - Investopedia: To learn everything you need to know about investing, marketing, and personal finance

12 - Khan Academy: A very, very large encyclopedia for learning many and many things When entering the site, you will find this phrase: you only have to know one thing >> YOU CAN LEARN ANYTHING.

13 - LearnVest: Providing resources to help you learn the basics of BIC money management and finance

14 - Lifehacker: Tips to get things done quickly and in the right way without mistakes and consequences

15 - Lumosity: To train your brain for fun and happiness through scientifically designed games, which include programs to train your brain "scientifically" on memory, attention, and quick wit

16 - MIT Open Courseware: Study materials courses to make the student an intelligent person

17 - Powersearching with Google: It shows the best ways to master the process of searching for something on Google

18 - Quora: It offers you many cultural selections. All 7 you have to do is determine the topics that interest you, and information about them is published daily, in addition to that if you ask any question, you will be answered.

19 - Recipe Puppy: A very large kitchen

20 - Spreeder: To improve the understanding and speed of your reading and pasting and formatting sentences professionally

21 - StackOverflow: Q&A for programmers

22 - TED-Ed: Lessons and videos on all topics and cultures

23 - Udemy: To feed your mind with courses about everything.

24 - Unplug The TV: A scientific site that discusses the modern world matters.

25 - VSauce: It is one of the most important and largest channels on YouTube, which displays facts and topics that take you to another world.

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