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7th lies that keep you from learning to code

 7th lies that keep you from learning to code:

The 1st lie:

If you are a math failure, you will not learn to code

Truth: Mathematical logic is very important in solving programming problems, but you do not have to be a master in mathematics to learn to programming, as mathematics is part of programming and not all programming, and you will only need mathematics in projects that require it from you, such as design and engineering projects, just as you need physics to estimate speed Objects and impact force if you want to program games.

Most of the time, you will not be required to delve into mathematics concepts because programming languages ​​have greatly facilitated this aspect, and all the functions you will need such as Sinis, Cosines, and others are available and ready..All you need to be able to master the basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

Then don't even have to think about math and start learning to programming now!

The 2nd lie:

If you do not speak English fluently, then do not dream of being a programmer

Truth: It is not a requirement that you be an American or a British programmer to be a programmer, for the language has never been a barrier to entering any field of knowledge, if you master one global language you can be a successful programmer, and take it from me honestly: it is enough to be proficient in the Arabic language and you will learn to programming Because the knowledge resources in Arabic are progressing and advancing.

But do not be lazy in learning English because you will need it after you learn the programming pillars and you will find yourself forced to search for some information in the English language.

Currently, it suffices to be able to understand the Arabic language or one of the international languages ​​to start your learning journey while you are reassured.

The 3rd lie:

Arabic_content is bad and will not help you with anything

Truth: This idiocy is often posed by failed people who were unable to contribute to the enrichment of Arab knowledge content, so they took the initiative to detract from it and to challenge and belittle its people.

The Arabic content is very honorable and it is in constant progress, and the blame is not on the sunlight, but on the blind who cannot see.

The 4th Lie:

Programming - tiring and does not generate money for its owner

Truth: Yes, programming is tiring, but it is fun. As for the issue that it does not generate money for its owner, you should know that the richest person in the world: Bill Gates made his fortune in programming and many others like him: such as the founder of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.

In addition, programmers and developers are among the highest salaries in developed countries.

The 5th Lie:

Programming is the preserve of # specialists in it

Truth: Programming is an art, and art was never the preserve of people with their eyes, you can learn programming no matter your age and whatever your social position, just start and you will notice the size of this lie.

The 6th Lie:

Programs - abound on the Internet, so why learn to programming?

Truth: Yes, programs are many, but the human need has no limits, and you do not know that an idea springs to your mind so that you program it and succeed with dazzling success, then if all programmers were thinking like this, one program would not be created.

The 7th Lie:

Programming means turning into a zombie

Fact: There are those who have the ability to live like a zombie even without programming. Just organize your time and arrange your tasks, and you will not need to stay up longer to sleep all day.

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