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Python is a high-level, easy-to-learn, open-source, extensible, object-oriented programming language (OOP). Python is an interpreted and versatile language, and it is widely used in many fields, such as building independent programs using graphical interfaces and in web applications, and it can be used as a scripting language to control the performance of many programs such as Blender. In general, Python can be used to create simple programs for beginners, but also to create massive projects at the same time. It is often recommended for beginners in the field of programming to learn this language because it is among the fastest-learning programming languages

Python was developed at the Dutch Mathematics and Informatics Institute (CWI) in Amsterdam by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s, and its first announcement was in 1991. The language core is written in C language. Ross called his language "Python" to express his admiration for a famous British skit group that called itself Monty Python.

Python is distinguished by its active community, and it also has a lot of special-purpose programming libraries that have been programmed by people from that community. For example, there is the PayGame library that provides a set of functions for programming games. Python can also deal with many types of databases such as MySQL and others.

Python supports multiple programming styles: object-oriented, side-directive, and functional programming. Python is commonly used like many dynamic programming languages ​​as a scripting language. Python has an open development model that is based on the Python programming community and is supported by the Python Software Foundation. Which preserves the language definition in the C-Python reference implementation.

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