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Best Python Libraries 2020

Best Python Libraries 2020

Python Libraries

The world of programming is a vast sea and it contains many languages ​​that you as a programmer can learn and work with. One of the most famous of these languages ​​is Python, which is considered one of the most prevalent languages ​​in the labor market today.

What distinguishes Python, in addition to the easy and simplified code that you can write (the method of writing the code or what is called Syntax) is the presence of a large group of libraries that you can include and take advantage of to make your software application more effective and able to perform a set of additional tasks provided by these libraries.

What is the software library?

By the software library, we mean in general a set of code files and help files that you can include within your code, which a group of developers wrote and published to make it available to everyone and the goal of the software libraries is to facilitate the implementation of certain things within any application in the first place in addition to giving the application additional capabilities. He can do it only after using those libraries.

Best Libraries :

  • Requests
  • Pluggy
  • scrappy
  • Beautiful Soup
  • SQLalchemy
  • PyGTK
  • Tkinter
  • PYGame
  • Matplotlib

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