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The differences between the languages of the various programming. Very Important for beginners to determine the programming language which to start

Programmers  welcome to a new article entitled the differences between the languages of the various programming, hear all of the languages of the various programming of c or C++ or c# or Visual Basic or Visual Basic Dot Net but do you know well the differences between these languages some Let's examine together some of the differences between the languages in which you can select any programming language heading for the production of a particular application.
The first thing we can be seen in the difference between the programming languages is the formula that is in writing software lines between the programming languages which language syntax for example find in languages such as CNN plus plus CD and CD# it must be, for example, the end of the line the soft-key with a semicolon(, while in other languages end line just to move to another line. As well as we can note the difference between the programming languages on the other hand, does this language support oop or not, that the concept of object-oriented programming، newly is somewhat.

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