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Python OOP ( Object Oriented Programming )

For Object-Oriented Programming in Python:

Object-oriented programming and all its basics in Python, we can deal with it by exploring classes, objects, alternate methods, themes, and many more ...

Object-Oriented Programming is a widely used concept for writing powerful applications.

How to create a class

Instantiating objects

Adding features to the class. Defining methods or methods within the class

Pass the parameters to the methods

How to Use OOP in Python for Funding.

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

Object-oriented programming has some advantages over other design styles. Development is faster and cheaper while improving software maintainability.

This, in turn, results in higher-quality software, which is also renewable with new styles and features. For starters, the concept may be too complicated.

OOP software is slower to use and uses more memory because more lines of code must be written.

Object-oriented programming is based on imperative programming, which uses expressions to change the state of a program.

OOP uses the concept of objects and classes (Objects and Classes).

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