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Swift programming language

Swift programming language

Swift programming language is one of the languages ​​adopted by Apple, and the language was developed from the basic language objective-c. The story of language development dates back to the time when Apple's smart devices appeared and Apple’s need to develop programs. Object-c was the first language to develop Apple programs on the system. ios, but the language was somewhat difficult and therefore Apple built a language that helps developers to program and be easier to deal and therefore the swift language has been developed and the language has gained great acceptance among the developers and therefore has been relying on its development and now it has reached the fifth version and has become support for many devices and also it is possible Programming programs for the Macintosh system through the Swift language. Swift is a language that has become a substitute for learning the objective-c language.

Swift language is an easy language and programming via the xcode platform is also easier and needs practice. We will explain the language on our platform, and we will provide you with video explanations to help programming in this distinctive language, but at the beginning of each programming language we must learn the basics of the language, Swift language is not very different from languages Other programming and being also an object-oriented language and it is possible to use classes and define variables, we only need to learn the Swift language some things related to the fundamentals of the language from variables, arrays and functions so that we can learn the language easily, learn arrays and what is meant by the matrix and how arrays are defined and the number of its elements, there are similar things in Most programming languages ​​will not need to be re-learned. The matrix is ​​a common factor in all programming languages ​​and I will provide a special explanation of the concept of the matrix and how it was used in programming languages, many things you find in most programming languages ​​and this matter facilitates your learning for more than one programming language and helps to increase your experiences in Development .

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